meet our residents


I’m Joey Boots, but everyone calls me Boots! I’m definitely the king of this castle. My mom and dad are the owners of Nine Lives and deemed my sisters (Princess Pat and Sissy) the very first resident cats here! When we first got here it was love at first sight! I knew I never wanted to leave! The bridges, all the scratch posts, and all the canned cat food I could every want! Who wouldn’t love it here! I’m so glad that mom and dad make me a permanent house kitty! It truly is the best life!

A fun fact about me, I am SPOILED and I know it! When people come into the lounge I sneak past them when the second door opens and hide under the table in the entryway and wait. When the next purrrson opens the first door I run out really really quick and go straight to the office where my mom is and meow, meow, meow until she gives me my can of cat food.


I’m Sissy! I am a resident cat here at Nine Lives with my brother and sister (Boots, and Princess Pat) and a few others! This is the coolest place in the whole wide world, and I absolutely have the best home! I love to meet all of the people that come in to see us, I always let them pet me, but I only choose a select few to take a nap on.

A fun fact about me, my meower is broken! I make the face like I’m meowing, but nothing comes out! Nobody knows why I can’t meow, I’m just meowless.


My name is Princess Pat, but everyone usually calls me Princess or just P. Either is fine with me. I’m sure my brother and sister already told you, but we were just very first resident cats here at Nine Lives. I am a tortoiseshell cat which means I have tortitude. This is basically like a big attitude but for torties, I am told that I have to be nice and let everyone pet me but I am allowed to run if anyone picks me up. I like to pick my people, definitely not the other way around.

A fun fact about me is, my dads brother Shaun is my person. When he first came to the lounge and met us before we opened our doors I decided he was going to be my very best friend. Every single time is comes to visit me I always run to him and lay right on his chest. He hasn’t been to see my in a while though… so Shaun, if you’re reading this please come and see me. I really miss you!


 I’m Remi, no it’s not short for Remington. I get asked that all the time, but it’s seriously just Remi. I know, I know. You were about to say that I’m beautiful. Well duh, I’m a long haired Calico, who wouldn’t think i’m beautiful?

A fun fact about my is, my favorite thing to do is to find the people that are looking to adopt a beautiful baby. I climb into their lap and make biscuits until I fall asleep. When they decided that they have chosen me to take home I call for my staff members to come and break their hearts with the “bad” news that I’m a resident cat and they can’t take me home. As their smile turns to a frown, I jump off their lap, flip my tail, and prance back to the back. It’s my favorite game to play.


 I’m Shea and I’m one bad kitty. I really love it here at the lounge but all of these new trash cats need to know that i’m boss around here. When they first get acclimated into the lounge, I sit across the room and growl like the 120 pound guard dog I was meant to be. I never come in contact with these cats because I wouldn’t want to touch those germs with these pedicured paws. I just growl so they know that they need to stay away from me. My favorite game to play with my staff members is to run out the door whenever they come to check on me. I run and run and run until they eventually get me and make me go back into the lounge.

A fun fact about me is, I am the fight starter. When I growl at these gremlins it makes them uncomfortable and they walk away scared, this causes them to get into fights with other cats. My favorite thing to do is watch. I stand straight up on my back legs with my arms tucked into my chest like a little t-rex and watch them like I didn’t just start that fight. The staff never finds out that it was me. I’m just a spectator, I swear!


 I’m Prince, I believe I was named after Prince Rogers Nelson the rock star! Prince is known for his flamboyant persona, his music, his wide vocal range, and his high-pitched screams. That is just like me! I have a flamboyant persona with my look, it’s music to my mommy’s ears when I sing her, her favorite meow, meow, meow song, and when I get really excited for my canned cat food, I get a very high-pitched scream-like meow! Kitty Prince is just like Rock Star Prince! If you look right into those big green eyes, you will notice that my coloring around my eyes looks exactly like winged eyeliner! Maybe I was meant to be a rock star!

A fun fact about me is, Sierra like to think that my favorite game is hide and seek. When she walks into the lounge, she screams really really loud “PRINCEEEEEEEE”, when I hear this, I run really fast to the nearest hiding place. She really just scares me. When I first came to Nine Lives, they started doing health check every single Tuesday morning. This means I get my temperature checked! If you know where that stick that thermometer you know that it’s not very fun! Sierra is the one that has to do these health checks, so when she comes into the room yelling my name I hide because I really think this is what’s going to happen! So every day when she yells my name I just hide because I never know what day it is!


I’m Bean, but I go by many different nicknames here at Nine Lives. Beanbag, Ham and Bean, Bean Bean, or BEANNNNNNNNNN! I do respond to most of these names with a big, deep, manly MEOWWW. I’m the head honcho here, as I fought long and hard for my place as a resident. I wasn’t just picked for my looks as soon as I got to the lounge like the rest of these pampered cats. They wouldn’t know a tough tomcat if it clawed them in the face. I was adopted once, but only after a week my owners learned the hard way that I have a very strong hatred for dogs and had to bring me back. The staff here decided that this was going to be the best place for me to live.

A fun fact about me is, I like to sleep on my back, spread eagle, with my tongue hanging out. My favorite place to sleep is in the big window on the window hammock in Cozy Corner. Another fact about me is, I’m a professional fly trapper. When my staff members clean out our litter boxes on litter change day, they have to open the garage door by the dumpster. This causes tons of flies to come into the lounge for us to play. I watch wussies chase the flies and chirp all day until I get bored and mostly hungry for a snack, with 1 slap of my claw its dead and I eat it. I have killed many flies with 1 swat.


I’m Tater. That’s Tater, like Mater. I’m what you would call a retired trash cat, but in a good way, let me explain. I was wandering the streets & hitchin’ rides across town & I may have ended up a bit lost. Well, one October evening I saw a bright light coming towards me and thought “this is it” but luckily it was just a Jeep & come to find out, that would be the start of my luxurious inside life. It took a bit of getting used to living at Nine Lives, I’m such a softy but I couldn’t let the crew in the lounge know that. I had an image to uphold. Well, after months of pretending I was that old man that doesn’t like kids in their yard, I started to show the crew how sweet I really was & they couldn’t believe it! I love the Lounge life and being spoiled with food all the time & the best part. It’s brought to me; I don’t have to go hunt for it! When I arrived at Nine Lives my name was chosen, well, I really don’t know how but come to find out, it fits me because I sure do LOVE TATERS, that includes mashed taters, baked tater, tater chips & those French tater fries! The picture? Yeah, unfortunately I looked so rough I had to get this ridiculous hair cut but they tell me we are trying to “grow” it out but, I just really hate grooming so we will see how that goes.


 My name is Toots. I was named Toots because of all of my extra little toe beans! I am a Polydactyl cat, which mean that I have extra toes! It’s nothing serious, it is just something I was born with. I am the newest and last resident cat here at Nine Lives making number 9! I’m still a little shy since I am still brand new to the lounge, but just be patient. I will be stealing your heart in no time!

A fun fact about me is, I have a few extra toes then most Polydactyl cats. Usually Polydactyl cats have about 20 toes, I have 27! Everyone likes to call me a toe bean hoarder here! I think it’s kind of funny!

Black Beard.

My name is Black Beard the staff at Nine Lives tells me I’m a strong little guy. When I was just about a month-old I caught the Feline Distemper Virus. A virus that almost took my life. I was on several different medications, and I was just so weak I couldn’t manage to eat on my own so Nine Lives staff began syringe feeding and frequently giving fluids so they could keep my nutrition up. After about a month of consistent attention I pulled through! Nine Lives staff all became so attached from the life saving measure they provided me and the just couldn’t put me up for adoption. I fought my way into their hearts and became a member of the Nine Lives family!

Fun Fact about me! I LOVE to play! I will fight for your attention and play so hard with all of the other cats. You would think that I would get all tuckered out from playing so hard, but I can play ALL DAY and not lay down to sleep until it is my bedtime!


I’m Daisy! I am the sweetest girl and the biggest lover! I was brought to Nine Lives with my 4 other sisters, my sisters and I were so scared. This was a totally different environment, and we didn’t know what to do. After a few days my sisters acclimated really well to the lounge but I was still terrified. The Nine Lives Staff took such good care of me, I was pulled into the office so I could be alone and learn to come out of my shell. After a couple of days the staff learned that I did not want to eat anything. Quickly my body went into liver failure and I began to turn jaundice. They immediately took me to the vet and figured out that I needed to eat soon or I wasn’t going to make it. The Nine Lives Staff was doing everything they could to help me. Syringe feeding multiple times a day, giving IV fluids every other day, and constant love and attention. After 3 months of all of their around the clock care I FINALLY took the first bite of food on my own! They were so happy! It was definitely still a battle, but slowly I began to get back up to weight and get all of my energy back. I fought my way into their hearts and eventually they said that I could be their very own office kitty! I live in here full time, and honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

A fact about me, I am an attention hog! I will fight my way onto your lap no matter how many times you push me off. I like to get nose to nose with my humans and look them right in the eyes. This is how I tell them that I love them.


I’m Horus. I’ve been told that I have a quirky but charming personality. I believe I’m a very distinguished gentleman with a penchant for lounging in the sun. Despite my permanent scowl, I’m a true lovebug who adores curling up on your shoulder. My favorite spot is by the windows, where I can keep an eye on the world outside and enjoy the sun's warm embrace. My deep, throaty purr and ever-watchful eyes, I might look like I’m plotting something grand, but in reality, I’m just plotting my next nap.


I’ve been told I’m a bit of a diva with a dramatic flair. I’d like to say I disagree but, I believe it’s true. You may not see me much in the lounge, between cats and it being a bit cold sometimes, my favorite spot is close to the dryer in the back. I can be a bit vocal, that just means I’m never shy about expressing ALL of my needs—whether it’s a cuddle, a treat, a cozy spot or just to scream. My perpetual pout might make me look like I’ve got a complaint or two, but beneath the grumpy exterior, I have a heart full of affection. I really love cuddles, especially to steal your body heat! To say the least, I’m a true cuddle enthusiast who loves to be near my humans, clinging to their sides with a whiny meow.